About Us
International Federation Against Copyright Theft (Greater China) Limited

The International Federation Against Copyright Theft (Greater China) Limited (IFACT-GC) [previously known as Hong Kong Film and Video Security Limited since 1997] was established to protect the intellectual property rights of its supporters across the Greater China Region. IFACT-GC works closely with its supporters, governments, enforcement authorities, film & television community, I.T. community and educators to achieve its aims.
Vision and Mission:
To unite with the Intellectual Property Industry and Community, to provide information and logistic support to the enforcement authorities against the content theft syndicates in the Greater China Region and provide a level playing field and healthy growth of the legitimate business development in the region.
• Maintain close relationship with the various industries in the region;
• Advocate the voice from the contributing partners;
• Lobby the related government authorities on policy issues;
• Provide information, trainings, co-operate and support the enforcement authorities against the content theft syndicates;
• Delivery positive message to the public;
• Organize community outreach programs to seek the support from the public and related sectors; and
• Maintain a level playing field and health growth of the legitimate business.
Part of Strategy Partners (Industry):
1. Content Overseas Distribution Association (CODA)
2. Copyright Overseas Promotion Association (COA)
3. Guangdong Motion Picture Industry Association (GMPIA)
4. Hong Kong Comics and Animation Federation (HKCAF)
5. Hong Kong Creative Industries Association (HKCIA)
6. Hong Kong Motion Picture Industry Association (MPIA)
7. Hong Kong Theatre Association (HKTA)
8. Motion Picture Association (MPA)
9. Movie Producers and Distributors Association of Hong Kong (MPDA)
10. Shenzhen Copyright Society (SCS)
11. Taiwan Movie Production Development Association (TMPDA)
12. Taiwan OTT Association (TOTTA)
Tel: +852 27850363